I look at my blog as a way of connecting with the 'outside world' when I'm home with my little guys. I also look at it as a way to journal what's on my heart and mind. Sometimes my entries come from things I'm rejoicing in, things I'm sad or frustrated about, things that touch my heart and I just have to share, or things that I feel God has laid on my heart to share.
I also enjoy keeping this blog because I LOVE to scrapbook and have one for each of my children to give to them as baby books when they're older. HOWEVER, as the Bates family has grown, my scrapbooking time diminishes. =( I can turn here though to find pictures, videos and entries about what's going on in our lives, at particular times in our lives. Then, I can go back into the scrapbooks and write in captions for photos, etc. The trick is not to let it go too long or my books get backed up. Still haven't finished Lincoln's just yet. I have a few pages left in his. I started Norah's, but only have 3 pages done (I think). I started a family album and have a few pages completed, but the rest of the photos sit in boxes awaiting their time to be placed where people can actually look at them. Am I sad about this? A bit because I do love doing it. It's where my creative side comes out, I destress and I think of my three blessings from God. However, I love my family more and would rather be reading to my kids, chatting about my day with my husband or making sure my family has a dinner to eat and clean clothes to put on their backs. (Hence, the scrapbooking gets put on the back burner.) I'm still waiting on the laundry fairy! If you've noticed in past posts, we have definately, officially, without a doubt, scared her off due to our neverending laundry pile! I'm guessing you all now know that laundry is my least favorite chore around the house, besides cleaning bathrooms. (Note to self...company coming in less than two weeks...get bathrooms scrubbed down!!!) =)
I saw this episode of 'Wife Swap' once where the family doesn't fold laundry. They empty the clean laundry out on a pool table (or was it their dining room table?) and when a member of the family needs clean laundry, they skip on down to the pool table and choose their clothing for the day. If I'm being honest, the thought HAS crossed my mind a time or two! Only problem, we don't have a pool table and we do eat as a family each night at our dining room table. Okay, so that one's out! (sigh) lol

1 comment:
I visit, I just don't always comment! I'd rather have a dirty dishes fairy than a laundry fairy, but, to each her own! :)
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