Rob and the kiddos watching the stage show in front of Cinderella's castle.
Yes, I found my camera and thought I owed you all a nice, long post. =) We've been visiting with family from Virginia, Orlando, China and friends from out of town as well. We've been decorating cookies, organizing toys/gifts from Christmas (a Goodwill trip will be taken this next week!),
taking down decorations, cleaning out baked goodies, chopping down our Christmas tree and using it for firewood, riding rides at Disney World and just enjoying being with family whom we don't see often.
taking down decorations, cleaning out baked goodies, chopping down our Christmas tree and using it for firewood, riding rides at Disney World and just enjoying being with family whom we don't see often.
Disney World was a fun, but tiring day. When you have three, little ones who haven't napped in days, who go to bed very late and aren't on their normal schedules, you're destined for some meltdowns. All in all, we enjoyed being with loved ones and it was a complete blessing that we were able to go.
Grandma is heading out in two days and her time came and went so quickly. There were some good memories made while she was here and we look forward to her return this summer.
Cloth Diapers
Tomorrow, I get to pick up our 'Christmas gift' to Norah...yepper, cloth diapers! I ordered 7 Fuzzi Buns off E-Bay last week and love them. However, tomorrow I'll be picking up Bum Genius diapers. They're the 3.0 One Size style (fits newborn to potty training) and I got enough to use with Lincoln AND Norah. I'll be doing a whole post on cloth diapers in the next few days. I can't wait to share my research with you all. I did a BUNCH of math pricing out diapers, looking on E-Bay and adding up what we spend in diapers per month for our kids. It's amazing.
Hope you've enjoyed what we've been up to. Now, I'm going to snuggle with my hubby and finish watching a movie. Goodnight.
What a fun time...Disney, cookies, grandmas. Sounds like a great Christmas.
Wow, so much fun! I love long posts with lots of pictures. :) I can't believe how big Avonlea is getting. Norah is so cute in her bath sink. What a beautiful family!
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