Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Two in Diapers...

My three sweeties...
Look at this girl's hair. It's untamable and out of control! =)

The kids were all getting ready for baths the other night and I started snapping pics with the camera. It's funny how people make comments about having "two in diapers". I've always had two in diapers. =) Now I have two in diapers and one in a pull up. Avonlea still struggles with getting to the potty at night and has for awhile. She gets into a DEEP sleep and doesn't always wake up in time. Anyways, Lincoln and Norah were in their diapers and I thought it was cute.
Norah is a rolling machine lately. She's always rolling from front to back or back to front. You have to really watch her if she's on the bed. It's almost as if she's showing off. She gets so excited when she rolls over. Too fun. Today, she was a stinker and woke up early from her nap assuring me that she did NOT want to go back down. She just wanted some "Mommy time" and so the two of us snuggled on a blanket on the ground just playing with toys and chatting away.
Sometimes, I worry that I'm going to forget these times when the kids are older. I'm going to forget all the little things, the sweet nothings that I try to make a mental memory of, but know I'll forget eventually.
"Thank you Jesus for my sweet darlings. As always, I dedicate them to you, knowing you are in control. I pray for their future spouses, their salvation and that they may love you in the same innocense as an adult as they do in childhood. Guide Rob and I as we teach them according to Your will and Your Word. Amen."

1 comment:

Kelli said...

They are so cute! Look at you stopping to cherish the moment. Oh, about the cards...mostly all of the stamping blogs I follow help with inspiration. I haven't finalized the design, but I'm pretty close. There are some amazing cards out there. You should be able to go to my profile page and there are a lot of stamping blogs on there. Let me know what you think.