Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Fruits of the Spirit and Slime!

The other day, the kids and I were playing with slime. I asked Avonlea what the fruits of the spirit were and she shared. She's had them memorized since last year, and it's nice to refer to them throughout the day when we need to work in an area or when praise is needed in an area. Right now, Avonlea is very thankful for things, thus we acknowledge her thankful attitude. The area we're working on is self-control when we don't get our way.

Challenge: Memorize the fruits of the spirit with your children and catch them using these fruits daily. Also, encourage them in areas where they need work. As you catch your children, try and catch yourself, seeing what you need work on in your own life. Mine is patience. =)


Kelli said...

I'm listening to the Beth Moore study about the fruits of the spirit and I need to memorize them. She puts it to sign language and I love that. Avonlea is so sweet!

Judy said...

We are using the fruits of the spirit as our chapel theme this year. I have a picture I love for PATIENCE but I can't figure out how to attach it so I will send it to you via email.
Let's sing the fruit of the spirit song when I come home for Christmas Avonlea!