Thursday, October 22, 2009

Babywearing...Baby Facing Outward Unsafe?

So, I've been looking into another babywearing "device" called the ERGO. I'm trying to sell back my knock off Mei Tai due to the fact that there's no padding. My friend has the ERGO and says that it's amazing. It helps spread out the pressure that most carriers can put on your back. In reading about the ERGO, I found this article HERE and became a little worried about Norah being in the Baby Bjorn. From what I've read (again, these are just comments and only info. from one doctor), it can be bad for baby's hips, hindering walking. Others have said that when an infant is too young, carrying them "outward" isn't good because it allows baby to be stimulated to all surroundings, even ones that can be intimidating or scary. Now, although this is something to consider, Norah LOVES her outward carrier. She coos and "talks" while she's in it. I carried Avy and Lincoln in it, but not nearly as much as I carry Norah in it and both other children were walking by one year and had no problems.
The ERGO carrier doesn't allow baby to be faced outward at any weight or age. I'm wondering if this is going to work for her. Note-to-self, look into return policy just in case! =)

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I love my ERGO!!!!!!

We went to DC for a week and Baby M was in it the whole time. In the front and asleep in the back!!!!


I even have pics on my blog: