Thursday, December 8, 2011

Just One of Those Days

One of those days when I want to crawl under a rock and hide, but can't.

One of those days when I'm scared for our infant son as he has RSV.

One of those days when my two-year-old didn't make it to the potty and urinated all over our bed.

One of those days when I yelled at my kids out of anger and had to ask for forgiveness.

One of those days when I just wanted to stay at the farm where we got milk and sit on the back porch, talking to Nancy about God's goodness.

One of those days when Norah didn't nap!

One of those days when we didn't get much school done.

One of those days when I wanted to bake with my daughter, but realized once again that I had no mixer (it died).

One of those days when I wanted a salad for lunch, but we had no lettuce in the garden, hence reminded of my failure in growing things this season.

One of those days I wanted to get rid of our dog.

One of those days when I kissed my husand goodbye, but wanted so badly for him to hang out with us.

One of those days when you can't stand the coorporate world and it's fakeness.

One of those days when you know you have a poor attitude, but don't work hard at fixing it.

One of those days when you get cut off in traffic.

One of those days when you're lacking sleep because you've been up the past few nights with a sick infant and you check on him at every sneeze or cough.

One of those days when you know that Jesus is with you, but you wish He was physically with you so you could crawl up in His arms and He'd whisper that everything is going to be okay and remind you of all of the blessings He's given you.