Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Florida Strawberry Festival

So this past Saturday we took the kiddos to the Strawberry Festival over in Plant City, Florida. We had been wanting to go for awhile (it's been years since we've been) and Saturday seemed like such a nice day to go. We went for only a few hours, but we accomplished much while we were there. We each rode one ride each (Rob rode a flume, water ride. I rode the bumper cars and Avonlea rode a car as well...see video) and ate some good-tasting, bad-for-you food (you can't be on a diet when you go the Strawberry Festival people, it's just not possible!). Avonlea was able to see some cows and we wanted to catch the pig race, but we needed to stick around for another 20 mintues to see that and we were already pushing nap time with two borderline, cranky children. We also enjoyed some strawberries on the way home. We bought a whole flat of them for $8.00...needless to say we'll be eating strawberries for a long time!

1 comment:

Jo said...

It looks like you all had a great time! :)