Thursday, July 18, 2013

Homemade Creamcheese...There's Nothin' Like It!
Step 1: Make homemade yogurt...recipe found HERE.
Step 2: Take a pitcher large enough to fit a strainer (fine one...we like the metal ones) on top.
Step 3: Place cheesecloth in strainer and pour your homemade yogurt into cheesecloth.
Step 4: Place pitcher with strainer into the fridge and let it sit overnight.

Step 5: When your cream cheese reaches the thickness you desire
peel it off of the cheesecloth.

Step 6: There will be whey in the bottom of the pitcher (like Little Miss Muffet...curds and whey). This is great to keep and use in baking recipes or smoothies. There's lots of great bacteria for your gut in here!
Step 7: Place your cream cheese in the fridge. This is also the time toad honey (or sugar) to sweeten. I just stir it in.

Step 8: Enjoy!
 (Note: Ours usually lasts up to 2 weeks in the fridge.)

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