Random Thoughts
A quiet house here...making a late lunch for myself
A morning at the park with friends
Lincoln stepped into a Stinging Nettle plant and had quite a bit of pain, but fixed him up with ice packs and some Cortisone.
Praying for people in Syria who just want freedom. Freedom that we have here in the USA, but are slowly loosing each day with our beloved government taking over and continuing to give free company bailouts and handouts that the working class (like my hard-working husband) has to cover, but yet the government decides where it goes and whom is goes to.
Praying for these Syrian children and families who are being gunned down because they want to leave their home to get food, water, medical supplies or just to bury their dead. (Couldn't sleep last night, thinking about if it were our family.)
Wishing November would get here sooner than later as Obama continues to get under my skin like nothing else. Now, this birth control has conservatives in an uproar. Obama is weak, selfish, a people-pleaser, the most indecisive US president I've ever known, cocky and although I know I'm supposed to pray for him, I struggle with this. I know that God is the ultimate Judge and that's the only thing that gives me peace. I also know that as I read Scripture, prophesy has to be fulfilled (Daniel 7, Revelation, etc.) so although every ounce of me wants a conservative president to take office in November, a part of me also knows that this is the way our nation has to go for End Times to eventually occur, whenever that is. God is in control and my trust is in Him.
Got our garage back to working order. Our dryer is waiting to be delivered to the local dump and our clothesline is in full swing. I've always enjoyed line-drying clothes, but I'm debating with keeping one designated day for Laundry Day or possibly doing one load each day. Hmm...
Isaac is sitting up and scooting everywhere now. Sweet boy. I just adore him and am so thankful that the Lord gave him to Rob and I. What a gift and privilege that He would trust us with raising him.
The kids and I planted a ton of wheat grass trays yesterday. We're getting ready for "Molly" (our Jersey calf of 7 weeks) to arrive next weekend. We're getting really excited. I think we officially have a zillion play dates that following week as well, all of fellow friends who want to meet her. :) I can't wait to take pictures/video and share her with you.
Looking forward to a crop workshop this weekend with my hubby. The workshop will cover organic farming practices, soil treatments, cover cropping and more.
Looking at some more possible properties this weekend. Praying that the Lord would be evident in where HE wants us and that we would be patient and listen to the Holy Spirit's leading.

A quiet house here...making a late lunch for myself
A morning at the park with friends
Lincoln stepped into a Stinging Nettle plant and had quite a bit of pain, but fixed him up with ice packs and some Cortisone.
Praying for people in Syria who just want freedom. Freedom that we have here in the USA, but are slowly loosing each day with our beloved government taking over and continuing to give free company bailouts and handouts that the working class (like my hard-working husband) has to cover, but yet the government decides where it goes and whom is goes to.
Praying for these Syrian children and families who are being gunned down because they want to leave their home to get food, water, medical supplies or just to bury their dead. (Couldn't sleep last night, thinking about if it were our family.)
Wishing November would get here sooner than later as Obama continues to get under my skin like nothing else. Now, this birth control has conservatives in an uproar. Obama is weak, selfish, a people-pleaser, the most indecisive US president I've ever known, cocky and although I know I'm supposed to pray for him, I struggle with this. I know that God is the ultimate Judge and that's the only thing that gives me peace. I also know that as I read Scripture, prophesy has to be fulfilled (Daniel 7, Revelation, etc.) so although every ounce of me wants a conservative president to take office in November, a part of me also knows that this is the way our nation has to go for End Times to eventually occur, whenever that is. God is in control and my trust is in Him.
Got our garage back to working order. Our dryer is waiting to be delivered to the local dump and our clothesline is in full swing. I've always enjoyed line-drying clothes, but I'm debating with keeping one designated day for Laundry Day or possibly doing one load each day. Hmm...
Isaac is sitting up and scooting everywhere now. Sweet boy. I just adore him and am so thankful that the Lord gave him to Rob and I. What a gift and privilege that He would trust us with raising him.
The kids and I planted a ton of wheat grass trays yesterday. We're getting ready for "Molly" (our Jersey calf of 7 weeks) to arrive next weekend. We're getting really excited. I think we officially have a zillion play dates that following week as well, all of fellow friends who want to meet her. :) I can't wait to take pictures/video and share her with you.
Looking forward to a crop workshop this weekend with my hubby. The workshop will cover organic farming practices, soil treatments, cover cropping and more.
Looking at some more possible properties this weekend. Praying that the Lord would be evident in where HE wants us and that we would be patient and listen to the Holy Spirit's leading.

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