Saturday, January 8, 2011

I {heart} Saturdays...

sleeping in
wrestling matches with kiddos in jammies
homemade French toast
shower with no interruptions
chicken chasing
grocery shopping
errand running
contimplating...beach? park? canoeing?
lawn cutting
garden tilling
cool, Florida breezes blowing
quiet house (naptime)
lunch date
need to rake leaves (& more composting)
tennis shoes and t-shirts
people walking dogs and riding bikes outside
neighbors chatting
exchanged a few Christmas gifts
reading in this book
love reading this blog and getting great tips
rabbit food/hay to buy
doll house played in
phone calls made
snuggling and cartoons watched
cool morning, but sunny and warm afternoon
contimplating what to make for dinner...lasagne, soup, ???
contimplating changing out normal-sized wardrobe for prego wardrobe since sucking in is no longer working :)
still a bit nautious, but it's subsiding slowly
still tired early in the evenings
had a dream last night that our baby was a boy (it would be nice to "even things out" gender-wise with the kids, but I have a bunch of girly names I adore and not so many boy's names)
so in love with my amazing husband
love the way he looks in a baseball cap and plaid shorts
love how amazing he is with our children in both discipline and love
really wish my vacuum would work...the dog hair is getting rediculous around here and the broom just isn't cutting it!
gonna rent a movie tonight and have a "date night" at home
so thankful for my mom's group
so thankful for sweet family
so thankful for my gracious and heavenly Father
so thanful for eternity

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