Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Seedlings, Science Experiments and Kiddos :)

Here are some fun pictures from last night and this morning...

Here are out lettuce seedlings. The seeds did sprout and they were growing too close together (which is what happends unless you actually take each individual seeds and plant it...I just sprinkle them over the dirt, cover and water). The kids and I filled up some baking tins with soil and very gently seperated the seedlings (the roots are what you don't want to break), planting them and giving them some room to grow. When they get big enough to survive outside, I'll actually plant them in a planter.
a close up...

We water the seedlings with a sprayer. A watering can would be too powerful for these little guys.

An experiment we did this morning before our traditional schoolwork. We filled up a mug with cold, ice water and one with hot water. We put an ice cube in each cup to see which cube would melt the fastest.

Since finding my camera, I got giddy last night and took a bunch of 'around the house' shots. Here's Norah after dinner. :)

Lincoln in his diaper with the new expandable tabs. Love them!

a close up...don't you love his chubby legs? (heart)

My sweet girl.

brushing teeth...Avonlea is sporting the 'ragglemuffin look'

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Avonlea is getting so big! Wow.