Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Sewing 101

One of the things I've been wanting to try for months now is sewing clothing. I'm not exactly a "wiz" at the sewing machine, but I've used mine a few times. Through the help of my mom and mother-in-law whom are both expert seamstresses, they've helped me gain some basic knowledge of sewing and how to work the machine. Well, I thought I'd get clever and sew some of my own clothing to save some money, but to much surprise, it's actually more expensive (depending on the store though) to make your own clothing. By the time you buy the pattern (the one I bought...and it was 40% off...was $8.00), buy the fabric and notions for your piece, it's about the same as if you were to get a good deal at a store somewhere! I was quite sad about this because I really thought I could save some money and pick up a new hobby at the same time. Well, needless to say, I won't give up sewing. In fact, I'm in the process of finishing a skirt and making a matching one for Avonlea. However, I won't be buying many patterns or much fabric as often as I thought I would.
The picture above is of the skirt (my very first one) I started on Monday. The kids and I went up to my mom and dad's for the day, so we could visit and mom could help me start my skirt. All that's left is to add the elastic and sew the bottom hem. Then, I'll start tackling Avonlea's matching one. I don't have a pattern for hers so it could get interesting! I'll try to post pictures of the finished product(s).

1 comment:

Matthew and Valerie said...

Ebay might have cheap patterns. And remember, no clothes that you could buy in a store would be made by you, so no matter what the cost, they are priceless!