Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I've Been Awarded!

Thanks to my blogger friend Kelli for the award. =) I'm touched (wipe of tear).

Here are the rules:

List 7 things that you love and then pass the award on to 7 people...tagging them and letting them know they won!

You can copy the picture of the award and put it on your sideboard letting the whole wide world know you are KREATIV!

Seven Things I Love:
(What? I have to name JUST 7?!)

1. The Florida sunset over the ocean...I always feel closer to God somehow.

2. My children, husband and extended family

3. Teaching

4. Organization tips

5. Making lists

6. Traveling alone with my incredible husband (especially to Puerto Vallerta, Mexico!)

7. Gardening/Landscaping...if I had a ton of money, I'd make our yard look like Disney World and I'm not even kidding! =)

Seven blogs that impress me with their creativity:

1. Madenough Tips

2. My Blessed Home

3. The Dryden Family

4. Outside My Kitchen Window

5. To Love, Honor and Vacuum

6. The Maxwell Family

7. A Slice of Life

1 comment:

Kelli said...

You are very, very welcome! And I just tested the label thing so it works. If my directions aren't clear let me know. Now I think I have to go post by post and add a label.