Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Fur has been a wonderful addition to our family, but like any addition to the family, comes work and responsibility. Last night, Avonlea learned how to help me clean out the rabbit's cage. I think people underestimate what toddlers are really capable of helping with. The job may not be done perfectly or as good as we might be able to do it, but responsibility gives a child ownership over something and hopefully (I say, hopefully!), this will help the child to become more interested in helping out. This was a first run at cleaning Fur's cage, so we'll see how long the enthusiasm lasts! =) Needless to say, she did a great job at placing new newspaper at the bottom, covering the newspaper with fresh pine bedding and making sure Fur had clean water and food. (I did the "dirty" work of dumping out the old bedding...fun.) Just for the record, Fur is growing and FAST! He loves garden lettuce, broccoli and other veggies.

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