It's A...
So, I had an ultrasound appointment this morning and Rob and the kiddos came along (of coarse) to make it a family event. I laid on the exam table as the technician (who did ultrasounds on all of our children) moved her wand around on my abdomen. We saw the baby moving around (very active little one I must say!), showing some hiccups and kicking. It was so precious. I immediately fell in love with this little creation inside me. It still amazes me that after three children, I still am in awe at how our Creator works and creates life.
Anyway, she speculated that I'm a few days more along than we thought (just as I had suspected), but I'm not going to change my Baby Ticker on the toolbar of this site. :) Unfortunately, I'm a
C-section mommy and thus so will this one be. I've contimplated using a midwife and have done some reading up on VBA3Cs (Vaginal Birth After 3 Cesarians). I've spoken to midwives regarding the risks of uterine rupture and they've all said the same thing...
"The uterus is the strongest muscle in the woman's body and if you've had 2 cesarians, you have a 2% chance of rupture. If you've had 3 cesarians, you have a 3% chance of rupture, and so on. If you want to try a natural birth, I'd be happy to deliver your baby."
While it's had me thinking, I've given it thought, prayed and Rob and I have talked about it. We're going to stay the coarse of another c-section by Dr. "C" unless we feel God leading us elsewhere. I've read some great success stories of VBACs and have yet to find negative stories. I'm sure they're out there though.
Anyway, back to my story of our ultrasound...
Our technician (just love her!) measured the back of the neck and many different parts of the body. She said everything looked just perfect (praise Jesus!). I was relieved and so grateful.
She turned to me and asked if we wanted to be surprised at the gender of the baby. (After all, I thought you only found out at your 20-week anatomy appt.) I said that we were surprised with Norah and it would be fun again, but just after saying that she had the screen to where we could actually see what the baby was. She didn't say a word. I gasped slightly and then she said, "Well, it's just a little obvious what the baby is!" Clear as day, we could see that it was a...
Tune in tomorrow to hear what the baby is. :)

So exciting! Can't wait to hear what it is : )
After reading that, I'm definitely saying boy! That's what my tech said to me with Brian.
congrats on the upcoming baby! just catching up on your blog a bit after having my own little boy. as a vbac, ironically enough. don't know if you're interested. It gives more info on "uterine ruptrue" and what exactly that means. (I discovered that it's not always what we think when we hear the term.) It's called "Silent Knife: Cesarean Prevention and Vaginal Birth after Cesarean ( VBAC)" by Nancy Wainer Cohen, Lois J. Estner. I found it very informative. I'm also going to be posting by own birth story in the next few weeks (once I finish edits on it) if you're interested.
anyway, so many congratulations!
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