Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Aspertame and Brain Tumors
If you drink soda or any kind of beverages labeled "light"...
If you eat processed food labeled "fat free"...
If you eat processed foods that are labeled "sugar free"...
If you drink sodas or other drinks labeled "diet"...
You need to be aware of what you are putting into your body! Please take 11 minutes out of your day to watch this video. You owe it to yourself, your children, your husband and other loved ones to know what this powerful sugar substitute does to your body. It's called Aspertame and it has been proven to cause brain tumors in lab animals. LARGE quantities of brain tumors!!! It saddens me to know of how many men, women and innocent CHILDREN (Remember that children don't research this stuff. They simply eat or drink what is put in front of them because we as their parents have put it there.) are developing cancer, tumors and other types of diseases all because of a lack of education. All because they trust the FDA. I urge you to watch every minute of this, sharing what you know with others and using this information to take care of the amazing body God has given you.
I was shocked to learn how aspertame got on the market. Listen closely, especially in the last 4 minutes to how aspertame was "approved" to be on the market and in grocery stores!!!

1 comment:

true blessings said...

thank kelli for passing this info on..