Thursday, June 4, 2009

Silent Genecide

As time grows closer to having our third child, I can't help but sit down some days and just watch in amazement as my belly moves and grooves around with our little one inside. It's an amazing feeling and I'm so blessed and thankful to God that He has allowed me to bare children. I know this is a struggle for some and although I don't know why He allows some to have children biologically and some not to, I do know for certain that there is a devine plan for what happens in our individual lives and fully trust in that.

Tonight, I was reading a blog (Making Home)I read often and was reminded of a topic that I know is real, but so silenced by Americans. I'm talking about the genecide of abortion. I don't understand how a woman thinks she has the right to take the life of her child. Sadly, we read stories of murder in the newspaper, we see them on tv and hear from friends the devistating murders that occurr. Why do we act so surprsied at these and not when a baby dies?

As a mother of three children, I know that the Lord has given me an instinct to protect my children just as mother animals protect their young. I can't imagine what goes on inside the brain of a woman whom is undergoing an actual abortion. We've all heard the stories of the psychological issues that go along with women who have undergone this act. They don't think there will be reprocussions, but they aren't prepared (or are fooled into thinking) for the levels of guilt that go along with something such as this.

Most women aren't educated about how the "procedure" happens. I have to say myself that I've never actually read up on how this procedure occurrs, but when I read THIS tonight, I felt nausiated and completely sick.

I really don't know how to close this blog entry. I guess I'm at a loss for words. I can't help but to touch my own stomach and thank God for allowing me to have my three precious children. I do consider the child growing inside me to be my CHILD and not just a blob of tissue. My baby moves when there are loud noises. My baby stretches when he/she feels cramped and needs a good stretch. My baby gets hiccups and practices breathing often. My baby has a personality, body parts, a soul and has been created by Almighty God and to think otherwise would be denial of life.

Thank you Lord for my children and for the blessing they bring to Rob's and my life.


Kelli said...

That just breaks my heart...I don't know how people do it.

Molly said...

Hi Kelli! I have been volunteering for the past few months at our local crisis pregnancy center. Honestly, it is one of the most wonderful and exciting things I've done, and it's amazing to see the Lord working through the center to impact so many lives. The girls come in scared & confused, and many "abortion-minded" but through the gentle counseling of the gifted ladies I work with, they learn about how much God loves them, as well as the tiny life they are carrying. It's a great place to get involved; I do the "parenting classes" where we meet one on one with the girls weekly throughout their pregnancy and beyond,and it's a privilege. The Lord has also given me compassion to understand their fears and their "choices" better.
Speaking of little babies, I am praying for you as you will get to meet your little one soon!
Love you! Molly