Tuesday, April 28, 2009

"The Bump" Update

Well, here it is friends! "The Bump" as they say in England. I couldn't get a whole shot of me with it, so this will have to do. Here is our baby #3 that we have no idea what the gender is. People ask me all the time "What's your intuition?". I kindly respond with, "I have NO idea!" This baby is a little low (like when I carried Avonlea) and the cravings are similar to the ones I had with Avonlea (salty in the beginning), but you never know. One thing I DO know is that this little one is giving me some major back pain and sleeping at night has become quite painful. I don't get up too often, but when I do, it's very difficult to get out of bed. I'm waiting for the night when I'm going to have to wake Rob up to help me "roll" out of bed! We're definately in the home stretch and I get anxious sometimes wanting to meet this sweet baby, but all in God's timing of coarse.

As far as how I'm feeling, I usually don't have mood swings, but I'm sure my husband has a different insight. =) I've been enjoying my long(er) nails and fuller hair, feeling this little one move inside and the predictions as to what the baby is going to be. I have not been enjoying the back pain, limiting what and how much I lift (Lincoln still likes to be held here and there) and the limited amount of clothing I can wear, but I know it's all WELL worth it. I just feel blessed that the Lord has given us the opprotunity to bare children as I know this is a struggle for so many married couples today. I don't take being pregnant for granted. It is such a blessing.

I have to say that I was SOOOO touched this morning! The kids and I got dressed and ready to go over to play at our friend Christina's house and what I thought was going to be a small playdate outside (mind you, I dressed in raggedy shorts, flip flops, pony tail with no makeup and one of Rob's shirts...yes, no cute shirts are fitting any longer) wound up being a full out baby shower by the Mom's group that I lead on Tuesdays. I got a little teary-eyed and was definately not expecting it! All the moms with their kiddos were there and it was such a great time of fellowship and fun. The kindness that was shown this morning will not be forgotten. So sweet.


Kelli said...

My email is on my profile page...

Kelli said...

Oh and cute belly...I love it!

Bush Family said...

Can't wait to see "the bump!"

Jo said...
